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The Different Types of Moling Services

Updated: Mar 6, 2023

Moling pipe replacement refers to a trench-digging method used to install conduits, pipes, and cables. There will be a need to dig trenches at regular intervals to make room for the mole. Afterward, you stick the mole into the soil on the pit's bottom's flat side. The exact quantity of destination mole-emerging pits is dug. The footprint left by mole farming is minimal, and it does not require any digging. Several different kinds of flooring can benefit from its use.

Impact Moling is the most economical and eco-friendly option for many underground installation jobs. EPS Trenchless Installations employ Moling to lay pipes/ducts and cables without digging trenches.

Moling at the Pipeline Works

As an alternative to digging trenches, the construction industry has adopted a method called "moling" for laying pipes underground. Moling can run water lines and heat pump heating coils without digging a trench.

Plumbing Industry Moles and Moling

Moling is launching pipes to a waiting pit. Since moles can only shoot in a straight line, it may be necessary to have several launching and reception pits. Rather than digging up the yard, a mole is used to install the new pipes underground.

Effects of Moling on the Environment

For many underground installation jobs, impact moling services can be more economical and eco-friendlier. The mole is a steel cylinder that, like a pneumatic cylinder, operates by having its head repeatedly slammed into the ground in front of it. The mole creates a bore through the earth where the new utilities can be pushed. Using this mole can reduce installation costs, downtime, and annoyance. Because it is more malleable than standard corrugated pipe, Mole Pipe can be twisted and turned to avoid any obstructions. Its compact size and quick assembly make it a money- and time-saver. Pipes from 25 mm to 150 mm in diameter and up to 20 m in length can be installed simultaneously (absolutely perfect ground conditions).

Trenchless technology is helpful for a wide variety of applications, including water mains, gas lines under highways, sections of cable and ducts, pumped sewage systems, oil lines, pre-existing structures, high-traffic areas, environmentally sensitive areas, and waterways. Impact moling is helpful for both residential and industrial purposes.

Causes and Effects of Molting

Several variables influence the overall cost of a moling job. One of the most critical factors is the soil type, ranging from clay to gravel to sand to silt. The abundance of trees nearby contributes to the problem by soaking up any moisture in the soil and turning even the softest ground into solid concrete. At a minimum of every 10 meters, you'll need to drill a set of entry and exit holes for the mole, with the cost of doing so varying depending on the soil type. Grass, for instance, doesn't cost anything to put back down, but concrete does.


Moling pipe replacement that is available in Styal will cause less disruption because only two pits (a launch and a reception pit) need to be excavated instead of costly and unsightly trenching that could be several meters long. They will reduce the required excavation reinstallations, which means the job can be done for less money.

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